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HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991 at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) as a means to document and share scientific research in a more accessible way. At the time, scientists had vast amounts of research data that needed to be exchanged among researchers across the globe. However, traditional methods of sharing information, such as printed papers or static documents, were limiting. Berners-Lee recognized the need for a system that could connect different documents and data in a way that was easily accessible over the internet.

The first version of HTML was a markup language designed to structure documents. It allowed researchers to create and link textual documents with hyperlinks, enabling a web of interconnected resources. This idea of linking documents through hyperlinks was revolutionary, as it created the foundation for the World Wide Web. Initially, HTML's purpose was simple: to format research papers and make them available online with basic elements like headings, paragraphs, and links.

HTML quickly grew beyond its original purpose as researchers and developers saw its potential. As the internet expanded, so did the use of HTML. It became the essential language for creating websites and web applications. Over time, HTML evolved with new features, such as tables, forms, and images, to meet the growing needs of the web. In particular, HTML5, released in 2014, introduced powerful features like native support for audio, video, and interactive content, marking a significant milestone in the development of the web.

While HTML began as a tool for sharing research documents, it became the backbone of the modern web. Its simple yet powerful structure enables the creation of everything from basic websites to complex web applications, making it an indispensable language in the world of web development today.

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